Get Started – Multi-Destination

Get started today by filling the form below. The information you provide to me will help me make sure that you are matched with the perfect multiple destination vacation experience.

  • Travelers

    Who is traveling with you in your party for this trip?
  • Full Legal Name (Exactly as it is or will be on your passport, including any suffix’s like Jr. or Sr.):
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    *IMPORTANT: Some destinations require visitors to hold passports that are valid at least 6 months past their travel return date. They also may require that you have a certain amount of blank pages available. **Note: It can take approximately 6-8 weeks to receive a passport (or renewal) after you apply under normal circumstances. If you are in this situation, consider the EXPEDITE option.
  • I will be traveling alone on this trip
  • Full Legal Name (Exactly as it is or will be on your passport, including any suffix’s like Jr. or Sr.):
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    *IMPORTANT: Some destinations require visitors to hold passports that are valid at least 6 months past their travel return date. They also may require that you have a certain amount of blank pages available. **Note: It can take approximately 6-8 weeks to receive a passport (or renewal) after you apply under normal circumstances. If you are in this situation, consider the EXPEDITE option.
  • Other Information

  • Trip Details

  • Let us know if you are looking for something other than the choices listed below
  • Check All That Apply
  • What travel styles would you consider?
  • Hotel Preferences

    NOTE: Foreign country hotel accommodations often differ in terms of size, layout and amenities when compared to a standard American hotel room.
  • Keep in mind that if you are seeking a hotel in an international location, hotel accommodations often differ in terms of size, layout and amenities when compared to a standard American hotel room.
  • Note: Foreign country hotel accommodations often differ in terms of size, layout and amenities when compared to a standard American hotel room.
  • Airfare

  • Whether you purchase your own airfare or I include it in the package, I CAN coordinate your ground transportation from the airport to the hotel.
  • Ground Transportation

  • Are you comfortable navigating public transportation systems, reading schedules, purchasing tickets, etc
  • Are you comfortable navigating unfamiliar roads and highways, reading foreign road signs, and driving in city traffic? (You may need an International Driving Permit (IDP))
  • Destination(s)

  • Minus “optional” spending or add on items during your stay
  • If there are, please let us know. We would be happy to plan everyone’s travel and aim for a seamless experience.
  • Remember that if something comes up that you need to cancel your trip or come home early from your trip, you could lose all or a portion of the money you paid and possibly more to get home early. We offer travel insurance to help in the event something unexpected should arise. Travel protection will typically reimburse you for your out of pocket expenses for covered reasons/events.
  • I am committed to my clients and I expect the same level of commitment for the time invested in customizing your vacation experience. Having an understanding of where you are in the process helps me to prioritize and reply to your request in a timely manner. Prices are not guaranteed until the required deposit is received.

    Individual travelers are responsible for complying with all documentation and entry requirements for travel, and for any penalties that result from denied boarding or refused entry. Review current travel requirements for each country you plan to visit at PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME TRAVEL LIMITATIONS MAY APPLY EVEN IF YOU ARE IN POSSESSION OF A VALID PASSPORT. These circumstances may include, but are not limited to: * Pregnancy * Active military service * DUI/DWI conviction * Child support or other legal issues * Criminal history Please advise your Travel Specialist if you have any concerns about your travel plans.